Post-Pregnancy diet and exercise
Taking care in pregnancy is not the only thing, several things came out after birth. Post-pregnancy care is as important as it’s in pregnancy periods. After birth, the woman’s body faces major changes in habits and body shape as well. After having a baby it’s as important to take care of yourself and eat nutritious foods, because if you’ll be healthy then your baby will get the same health.
Diet and exercise Post-pregnancy
We all know that after birth a woman’s body gains lots of weight, so dieting is not a good option to reduce the weight you gained. Here we are sharing some healthy eating tips which balance your diet and help you to make your fit as before.
Drink plenty of liquids
All we know a lot of fluid is mandatory each day in life especially when you are breastfeeding to your baby or in the nursing period. Add liquids in your diet, drink mostly water, milk, and fruit juice, etc.
Eat foods that have protein such as milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish, and beans Eat your fruits and vegetables and Lose weight safely.
Avoid these Foods when Breastfeeding
Alcohol: All the hard drinks which contain the high level of alcohol should be avoided. Alcohol is not any supporting supplement for the baby’s mind and body’s growth.
Caffeine: The main source of caffeine in tea, coffee, chocolates, and many soft drinks also use caffeine in their drinks. Caffeine is not good for the baby’s brain. It can be so dangerous for a baby’s growth. When you’re breastfeeding try to reduce the dose of your daily tea and coffee.
Swordfish, Shark, King Mackerel and Tilefish: When you are going to consume the seafood try to check their mercury or toxin level because due to mercury a human body can be felt sick with any type of tremors, insomnia, memory loss, or emotional instability and headaches effects of mercury can also harm the kidneys and thyroid.
The exercise that helps you to reduce post-pregnancy fat
After pregnancy when your doctor says Yes, now you can start exercise, there are several ways to start:
Walking: After pregnancy, for a certain time of duration, you should not try to do a heavy workout to lose your post-pregnancy fat instead you can choose walking as an option. With a stroller when you go for a walk it will be a great experience for you to try to do 20 – 30 minutes of walking every day. Go outside of your home, meet other new mom’s you will love to talk about your baby and you’ll get a chance to learn new things about the baby’s growth and other useful baby hacks.
Exercise classes: Yoga is also a good option to make your body energize. You can try yoga at your home too or if you want a proper trainer so you have another option and that is to join a yoga institute or classes. If you want to join a yoga class then try to find the institute who is providing spaces for the baby’s as well. In this manner, you can go with your baby and can do yoga without doing any tension in your baby’s care and other things too.
Some Healthy Eating Tips
Drink plenty of liquids: A hydrated body requires a minimum of 6 to 7 glasses of liquid to maintain the hydration level of a healthy body, especially when you are breastfeeding. Water, Milk, fresh Fruit juice should be on your plate.
Add fruits and vegetables on your plate: Eat foods that have protein such as milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish, and beans. Fruits are the major source of fiber which is usually helpful indigestion. Good digestion keeps away constipation. Before using any fruits and vegetables wash them with cold water.
Safely Lose weight: After pregnancy when you think about losing your gains weight, consult with your doctor first. Losing weight too early can create a problem in breastmilk supply. Do not try diet pills. It can be dangerous for babies.
Take prenatal vitamins: It’s not a bad idea to continue with your prenatal vitamin-mineral supplement – it contains much more iron than needed for breastfeeding.

Make a limit for junk foods: Sometimes it is ok to have some chips, burgers, pizza, but only for some time. Do not make this sometime, every day during your pre & post-pregnancy. Take healthy food as much as possible, this will help your body to overcome the pregnancy stress.